And so the DLC is complete, and I will likely never play Marvel's Spider-man again.

This is actually the worst and yet the best chapter in the DLC, featuring the most interesting game-play out of the bunch but completely botching the narrative. All the build up in chapter 1 pays off with just a single cutscene with the black cat, which is immeasurably disappointing. All the character development with Yuri in chapter 2 gets no payoff, and Hammerhead's coolness is completely gone in chapter 3, he now just wants to kill you, lol. What you get is a return of Sable where she and spider-man repeatedly make stupid decisions until they beat the big bad guy and call it a day, hell MJ doesn't even get anything to do. This is just a complete narrative flop all around I believe. I honestly can't see this being a satisfying conclusion for anyone.

The open-world activities still suck and feature the same problems as the last two DLC's. As for main gameplay you've got more car chases, more beating up pools of bad guys, and a new jetpack guy that again, doesn't shake things up too much. The boss-fight at the end is also incredibly lame, same as the one in chapter 2, it's simply mind-numbing. Oh you've also got MORE trailing missions that are somehow worse that Assassin's Creed trailing missions. I think all of this just shows how limiting and lacking in depth this games combat system really is.

So that's it, I went through these before going into Miles Morales cause it's nearly winter and that game has snow! These DLC's have been immensely disappointing on all fronts, but I think they really just show off how basic this game is, how there is no depth to Marvel's Spider-Man. I already wrote about this extensively in my review for the main game, but this game is killed by how casual it is. It's a pretty thing to look at and not much else unfortunately, I cannot imagine anyone replaying the base game or any of these DLC's as the only enjoyment I see from these games are their initial cinematic thrill, almost as if I'm watching a movie. Any open world content lacks passion or creative thought, it's either mindlessly attacking people or mindlessly collecting pointless things. I doubt Miles Morales or Spider-Man 2 will fix this underlying problem, but hopefully they've got something for me to love.

Reviewed on Nov 22, 2023


5 months ago

Daaaaaaaaaaaang man, you really didn't like it haha. I remember enjoying it overall, though I agree they didn't brush up the core gameplay much.

I do have to disagree about Yuri as I think her ultimate decision at the end was indicative of a payoff. I felt her arc was relatively rushed, but I did appreciate them going through with this decision instead of a cliche ending.

5 months ago

@RedBackLoggd yeaaah to be fair I just don't think this game and its DLC is really for me lol

5 months ago

All good haha