Does this game deserve 5 stars? Technically, absolutely not. However, this game just evokes pure fun in me every time I play it and for that it's a personal masterpiece.

The driving? Arcadey-nonstop-nonsense, I love it for all it's worth. Drifting and Ramming is eternally gratifying.
The Fighting? By today's standards basic, but endlessly satisfying featuring a great arsenal of flashy moves and entertaining animations.
The Gunplay? Pretty middling, this is the games weakest point. The camera really seems to struggle here, but popping heads is always fun enough.
The story? A mixed bag indeed, on some fronts it seems forgettable while on others it's got strong characters, mission design, the lot. I personally love the story and the characters within it, but I could see why others don't care.
The World? Full of silly little side-activities that really fill it out, from cock-fighting to going out on dates, this is a legitimately impressive open world for such a small development team. United Fronts brought their version of Hong Kong to life and it's a world that I'll always love being in.

Now, while all you backloggdian high-art types may dismiss this game and point out all of its flaws and ramble on about how in-line it falls with other 7th gen games and open-world games of the same sort, I'm not gonna act like you're wrong, you're probably right, but fun is the absolute most important criteria for me, and I argue this game is borderline constant fun. It's the kind of silly video game fun that reminds me why I love video games in the first place, which is all I ask for.

also please give me a sequel or a spiritual successor please I need it man I need it.

Reviewed on Jan 27, 2024
