No way! It's Star Wars, but chess!

Idk how else to explain it but yeah it's chess themed Star Wars. The thing is between every move animations play, so imagine you move a piece in chess, you now have to sit there and watch the piece slowly walk over to where you placed it all while a little music bit plays, you will hear this same music bit every single time you move that piece.

So, it's really Star Wars themed chess but the pacing of the game is a million times longer because the animations are super slow.

Also like battle chess, every time a piece is taken out, an animation of the two pieces occur, they're pretty unique and cool animations, easily the best part of the game.

Long story short, this game is completely obsolete as why the hell would you ever play this over just regular chess. The novelty of it wears off almost immediately. The best way to enjoy this game is just watching the fighting animations on Youtube.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

Reviewed on May 29, 2022
