Le Speilberg

I think this is the most game of all time. There is nothing specifically terrible about it, and there's nothing specifically great about it. It is just so average.

You play as a British soldier that has been promoted to do special missions. Every mission in this game is behind enemy lines and you're by yourself performing espionage and whatnot. I really wasn't expecting this, was really thinking this was gonna be a regular WW2 shooter. I think that is a unique thing about it, the game feels like you're playing as James Bond but in WW2.

There are 7 missions here, each having multiple levels. Every level is EXTREMELY linear, almost every map is just hallways after hallways. Due to this, the level design is OK, but it's just kinda meh, all the levels mesh together in my head cause they're all so similar in design.

The most unique mission in this game is a mission where you go undercover in a base and have to pull your identifications on soldiers to get by, it's neat.

The length of these levels are pretty short, really a short game in general, but that's ok because it doesn't overstay its welcome. There are also no checkpoints, if you die you go all the way back to the start of a level. This is acceptable only because of how short the levels are.

The game is also quite easy up until the last two missions where it does require a bit more skill and effort, due to a ton of enemies walking around with 1 hit kill rocket launchers. Oh also, enemies will always know exactly where you are and will randomly shoot you through walls.

The story is super forgettable, even after reading every text and watching every cutscene, all I can tell you about this story is that you blow shit up and kill nazis. The story is borderline nonexistent honestly.

The shooting and movement in this game is somewhat wonky but you get used to it fairly quickly. I actually enjoy all the guns in this game, they're pretty decent, but nothing here is remarkable. It's all just average run-of-the-mill gun play. Maybe in 1999 it was impressive but this is just OK.

The aesthetics of this game aren't really charming either, it certainly doesn't have that Goldeneye charm. It's generally pretty forgettable in all aspects.

There's really not much of a point playing this today as it's really just obsolete. Everything it does well, some other game does it better. I guess you could play this to see a part of video game history, as I would say this had some influence on Call of Duty and other shooters at the time.

Seriously, this is the most unremarkable fine game. It is a perfectly solid and playable experience that didn't cause me much frustration, but it didn't wow me or anything. I guess it kept me busy and entertained for a bit? I struggle on what to rate this as it's just so meh yet it doesn't have much faults. 3 it is I guess.

Oh also, there's a multiplayer mode that seems pretty cool but unfortunately I don't have anyone around at my house right now to play it with lol

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2022
