This is what I want my Star Wars games to be.

God damn it's so nice to be done with that era of mid-90s Star wars games where 3 quarters of them are horrible, we've finally hit the golden era of Star Wars video games, starting off with Rogue Squadron.

The story of this game is basically, they saw the ship combat in Shadows of the Empire and thought, hey, why don't we make a full game of that? And yep, it's even more fun than it was in Shadows of the Empire.

The atmosphere is perfect for what the game goes for, the game looks and sounds perfect.

Level design is coherent and it's always easy to understand what you need to do, where you're supposed to go, and how to accomplish your goals. Dog-fights feel fair and towards the end they can get a little challenging but it's never an unfair challenge. Generally though I found this to be a pretty easy game.

Through its 3-5 hour run-time, you'll see 16 levels all with extremely diverse worlds with completely unique textures and feels to them. I never got bored of this game, I was completely engaged the whole time.

The story is also simple but nice enough. It's a cool feeling to be a part of the legendary Rogue Squadron.

Now, the problems: I played the PC version on Steam, and there are a couple issues. First off, the camera is buggy, and won't follow you when you boost, an essential mechanic. The solution I found is to just use the closest up third person camera view as it doesn't glitch there. You also can't customize your controls as much as you'd like, Since this is running at 60 FPS or over, the ships when far away will kinda wobble around like a bee would, this doesn't happen on the N64 version. And my final complaint, hitboxes for buildings, terrain, etc. can be a little off, I'd sometimes try to fly over or next to a building, and indeed not hit the actual building, only to hit into it's invisible hitbox and die.

While the X-Wing and Tie Fighter series of games are far more advanced and have much more going on in them, I had more fun with Rogue Squadron. I didn't have to spend hours trying to learn how the game worked, I didn't have to spend hours messing with settings, I didn't die in one shot or repeatedly get put into completely unfair situations, I just started up the game, plugged in my controller, and had an awesome Star Wars adventure for a couple hours. And that's really all I want. Definitely play this one.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2022
