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This game is possibly the most over hated game of all time. I explain reasons I love DS2 and why some ppl don't.

DS2 is an immersive soulsborne experience with some of the best atmosphere provided from any Fromsoft game. A broad stroke of area design, a great sound track, interesting NPC's with good voice acting, some cool enemies and 48 map locations (DLC included), the game is massive! Majula is imo the best hub and the PvP in DS2 is still highly acclaimed yrs after its heyday.

Some negatives would be that it has some underwhelming bosses (there are a lot some good some bad) and the combat is the most dated (it is the oldest game if u include remasters). Other things like Miyazaki not being directly involved in the games production, the timeline being an offshoot of DS1 rather than a direct sequel, some mechanical things like the lack of invincibility frames etc was enough to turn some ppl off of the game.

I didn't grow up playing DS2, it wasn't my first souls game. Safe to say not nostalgia.
If you are a hardcore dark souls fan that appreciates the positives listed above and don't heavily prioritize boss fighting and combat polish, dark souls 2 is a must play!