I never once thought too myself that a piece of media would have such a significant impact on me...
Until i played Clannad & Tomoyo After, it has such a beautiful story that teaches the importance of family and it shows & follows it's own philosophy of Hedonism. Clannad teaches us how no matter what hardships an individual is fated to face, life is still worth living despite that. Each route follows the main heroine of that route, you become so engrossed with that character, you'll slowly start learning their past and a deeper insight on who that character truly is from within thier heart. Each story route is so fascinating, the majority of it's characters have their own sets of real life problems and there is always one underlying theme and message that you can take away from each route.
I'm not sure if what i wrote here can justify on how much i love this game, but if you didn't get the memo, i frickin love this game from the bottom of my heart.

Reviewed on Oct 10, 2022
