After Us 2023

Log Status







Time Played

8h 50m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 25, 2024

Platforms Played


A decently fun cinematic 3D platformer with a synthy soundtrack and heavy with themes of environmentalism portrayed through a lot of evocative imagery. And by that I mostly mean surreal decaying urban stages filled with tons of grey stone statues of naked people.

There's some nice gimmicks and gameplay theming to each level, like a factory where you ride on production lines, or a quarry where you jump across stone blocks, move rail cars, and avoid getting blown up. Each stage feels like the devs put a lot of thought into them to make them feel unique, and they did a really good job.

The platforming and navigation challenges are really the star of the show here, and while there is combat it's very bare bones and I'm honestly glad it it's used sparingly.

There's no attempt at realism in the narrative here, it's purely a vibes based experience and world bringing to mind human consumerism and ecological destruction. The imagery here is just really on the nose, it's pretty heavy-handed. I liked the game, but if you're interested in another title with very similar ideas but much more graceful execution, check out Sephonie.