This feels like a waste of potential. For context, I lean much more towards remakes being something that stands on it's own from the original. This is the exact same experience from Demon's Souls on PS3 with a worse coat of paint and faster load times.

I don't want to discredit Bluepoint like they did a terrible job though, there was clearly a lot of effort put into the visuals and making it run smoothly on PS5. But I honestly feel like that's kinda it. Like they were tasked to just make a pretty looking remake with not much else going into it. If that was the goal, they succeeded. But I don't think it's worth replacing the original over.

The new music also sucks.

Edit: Went back and beat it. Yeah I still feel about the same. The OG filter cuts out a bit of my complaints about the worse coat of paint and some of the GRAPHICS are actually pretty impressive. But it's still original Demon's Souls underneath all that with some QOL mixed in. Not the worst but still kind of a waste of potential that a remake for DeS could've been.

Music still sucks, too.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2022

1 Comment

I wish Blue Point felt bold enough to make some small changes but then it becomes a fine line of how much do you change and will fans like those changes cause with something like this you can't please everyone.