Awful. Could barely make it past the first level before I gave up. Forget the humor, if you find it funny, that's fine, I'm glad you can enjoy at least that aspect.
The game feels so bad to play. Even while sprinting, jumping, or air-dashing, you feel so sluggish. Every encounter is the same boring shooting at enemies that just path themselves back and forth. The art style is also just so ugly. Even worse was noticing posters made with AI art.
There's just absolutely nothing to like about this game. I'm shocked even more that it released at a full $60 price tag. I couldn't imagine justifying completing this game. Utter trite.

Reviewed on Dec 16, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

I'm guessing you played with a controller? Because I played with mouse and keyboard, and had no problems. I was moving around fast, shooting enemies easily as hell.