Ah shit, don't look at this review, fellow Bayonutters.
Yeah I like this game more than Bayonetta 1. It just feels like a better game to go back and play. The arguments I hear is that the combo system isn't as in depth (or busted) as Bayonetta 1, and I did feel that initially when going straight from one to the other. But I adjusted pretty quickly.
A lot of the weapons are really fun to play around with this time around, and exploring levels and finding secret missions feels more worth it since they aren't so difficult to complete like in Bayonetta 1.
No one plays these games for the story, but I like that it's just about Bayonetta wanting to save her bestie from Hell. It's simple but good motivation, and they made Balder kinda cool too.
I'd call this game a good game and a great sequel. I can only hope Bayonetta 3 is just as enjoyable.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2022
