It's really hard to write this review because I didn't go into Bayonetta 3 with any ill intent. Hell, I bothered to actually buy the game after watching some gameplay and thinking it actually looked pretty fun. I never really go out of my way to play video games that I expect to have a bad time with. Otherwise, I'd feel like I just wasted my time.

That all said, Bayonetta 3 feels like such an absolute let down of a game in a series that I really like.

If you check my profile, I actually replayed both Bayonetta 1 and 2 in preparation to finally sit down with this one. In my replays, I found that there's a lot about both those games I really appreciate. The combat, the characters, the sloppy yet still somehow endearing story. All coming from a studio that I believe genuinely wanted to make a good character action game to follow in the footsteps of legends.

Bayonetta 3 does not feel like any of that. The characters I love are either not like themselves at all or almost completely absent. The combat feels off, hits not having that same chunky impact from previous games, and the camera never quite positioning itself right, along with huge enemies dithering to make up for the less than optimal hardware.

The story feels directionless. Bayonetta has to gather macguffins while Jeanne and Viola both chase down characters for reasons that are barely ever stated why. I won't even speak on the ending to keep this review spoiler free. But just wow, didn't see that one coming (you actually see it coming from miles away).

I did have some fun with the summon system. It did feel a little half baked in some places, and it's obviously much slower than either of the original games combat, but there's some fun sprinkled in there. The pace at which you unlock new weapons and summons is nice, however they do rob you of trying out your new toys by throwing you into another character side mission right after acquiring them.

So that's about all I have to say. Really just not impressed with where the game decided to go in just about every aspect that I can even appreciate a video game. Can't say I'm looking forward to the next one. Wouldn't recommend.

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

Check out my Bayonetta 1 review, its really what is missing from this game imo