In my opinion, Return of Samus, despite being on the GB, is significantly better then the first game in everyway. As with the first game, I felt as if they where trying to do too much with the game when they couldn't on NES hardware. But here, Nintendo was able to completely translate the concepts of the first game and make something that feels much better for the GB hardware. I am not going to finish it however, as I will instead play the remake; but understand through my good amount of playtime here, that it is quite a good game.

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2023


4 months ago

I'm utterly surprised that everyone here expects a GB Metroid to be worse than NES Metroid. We have GBA Zelda that builds on SNES Zelda so well that it significantly improves it. And it's a SNES-GB convertion, NES games are much easier to overcome.

4 months ago

@sorraks Yeah, I think most assume that GB, due to lesser hardware ofc, equals lesser quality. When hardware doesn't always affect quality, great games and bad games can be on all platforms regardless; and with GB Metroid coming out after NES Metroid and Nintendo hearing the from the people on said game, they where able to make a better game!