World 1 - Gangplank Galleon: 6/10
The intro level is nowhere near as strong as DkC 1s intro level but it gets the job done alright, 2nd level is an increase in engagement with the vertical platofrming sections. it's a bit short, though. Then they repeat the first level theme which is structurally a little dumb for my liking. It is a better level but there's still not much to it. Nice background effect, water levels good but it's actually more overly simple than it seems. Not much to say about these levels.

World 2 - Crocodile Cauldron: 6/10
First lava level is nothing special tbh, neat spider gimmick aside the level itself is just a section with rather passive enemies and little of substantial value, I'm not even that in to the first mining level anymore, it just feels too short, 2nd lava level is a step up but still just kinda decent. as for the 3rd ...Red Hot Ride is easily my least favorite level in the entire game, sure there are some cool hazards but the speed of the balloon is so slow it doesn't even matter. And finally the first level in the game I can just barely call great, the second mining level seems better but I think I like it less. The only notable thing is the two enemies on the ascending platforms swinging their little hooks. For how hyped this game this is, that's 2 worlds I already find disappointing unfortunately and with how short this game is, it's going to be a bigger issue.

World 3- Krem Quay: 8/10!
First level is an enemy spamfest, which is cool, but it's over before it starts, for the water level you get a searchlight now, which easily makes this the best water level so far since you need to think about your every move...sorry to be a real whiner but it's still far too brief and short lived...none of these levels so far are great, come on, give me something better DKC 2...and right as I said finally happened..I'm just as surprised as any reading this are...Krockhead clamber I'd say is pretty great actually, it sets out in everything it needs to. And fleshes out the former levels enemy spam concept in to something more satisfying. Also like seeing the twist in ropes of course. The green level that uses the snake is easily the best level yet and it's very involved with great precision platforming, legitimately well executed twist on the 'pirate ship' theme, I'd even say I love Slime Climb as it has a very identifiable gimmick with the really fast fish. This game desperately needed more Bramble levels. Timing the barrels to the music is extremely fun.

World 4 - Krazy Kremland: 7/10
First honey level, while It can easily be seen as a pace breaker by those who want to keep the flow of the game up, is very fulfilling and enjoyable to me. It goes all out with the bee enemies. And the sticking to honey idea is interesting! Now we get the first roller coaster ride level, it's exactly what it should be, but there's a problem with it I'll explain in a bit. Also has nothing to do with the 'honey' theme the games begging to have for it's 'kremland; world not helped by the fact the next variant comes 2 levels later. The theming in DKC 2 is can be extremely disjointed. It makes some sense, but the structure is so inconsistent and can't seem to make up it's mind. Bramble Scramble is not quite as good as good as Blast imo since it's not as well rounded but it is still VERY engaging, As for the race variant of the's hard to...criticize, and that's the exact problem with it. It might as well be the same level to it's later race variant. I feel like the worst of them as a result since it doesn't go to either extreme. Mudhole Marsh expands on the green pallet rope levels and does it even better thankfully. Actually does what it should for a curve to a level set. What makes the latter honey level great and actually stand out from it's former is the twist with the structure and the more sizable bee building up tension before King Zing Zee. Honestly this is a good world but does not live up to even a slither of it's potential. Why isn't this a honey world? most of it has nothing to do with that, and this is the only time you'll see it, which is annoying because the 2 honey levels are easily the most interesting. It's not that special.

World 5 - Gloomy Gulch: High 8/10
Don't get me wrong, Web Woods is a great level that still has a lot of hazard substance, but I think it would have been better if the game put more enemy hazards at the top, that way it's not so easy to abuse. Still, good use of the spider, I hate spiders. But playing as one aint so bad. Wait so there is another honey level...and it's easily the best one.....why isn't this in the honey world!? man these games can be stupid about theming, especially this one. Thankfully the rest of the levels in this world actually commit to the ghost theme, which is on top of the levels...actually being awesome with interesting twists. Even the roller coaster one is unique this time around with different non copy paste design, THANK YOU!

World 6 - K. Rool's Keep: 8/10
Ice level isn't as interesting as it seems unfortunately, The logical extreme of the wind mine levels is nice to see, while Castle Crush is an autoscroller it puts you in many tight situations to the point I can't see why you would be bored playing it, especially with it ascending and the timing having you be on the move an overwhelming majority of the time, You know I actually quite like the latter ice level, it's a bit brief but it's got a really interesting premise with having to carefully time your crouches with the enemies in order to progress on the ice. I just think the level is refreshingly honest with what it does. Short level done right!

Chain Link Chamber I actually take a bit of an issue with: they place enemies on the chains where they couldn't possibly reach you so there's no point in engaging with them, other than that gripe it's still a great level with plenty of engaging hazards to keep you involved. Toxic Tower used to be my favorite level in the game for how unique it was. And I do still love it to death, I just can't help but feel maybe the punishment is a little too steep, falling off platforms early in the level in a little too easy to keep the flow up. Especially because I enjoy the level so much. Still an extremely unique level that really finalized the 'water rising' gimmick to it's logical extreme and perfected it.

World 7 - The Flying Krock: 9/10
Only 1 level exists in this world, and I think it's my favorite in the game now, racing the bird is tense but when I got that learning curve down I was beyond satisfied. It may be punishing at first but give it time and a good few tries. You might be surprised. I'm just going to ignore DKC 2s boss design when deciding the rating for this world, I don't care about bosses in platformers unless they are a direct focus. At least they were good in 3.

World 8 - Lost World: 7/10
Kind of a mess, to be honest. I do like the jungle levels and the lava one for what they are. Ice level is a bit dumb, Animal Antics is easily the best of them, i never even minded the wind gimmick here, because of the parrots controls, it's not as much of an issue, your able to be in a lot more control anyway. some missed potential but good world, just not nearly good enough for bonus content justification. Make it a bit more special, Nice jungle/whatever aesthetic aside.

Gotta say, the game really does get a lot better, but now that I've thought about it and ranked all the levels between the 2, I prefer the first game, obviously the highs of this game are a lot higher. But it has lost a lot of it's novelty on me. And while I can see me not being as in to breezy design as a taste thing, the fact that the levels do get more involved, is a sign that it isn't. Before I go i just want to say Kremland is my biggest dissappointment from a theming standpoint, Could we really not have focused more on the honey concept and had more level types? well, it's unfortunate that I have to say this but I have to be honest, I don't love DKC 1 or 2. They are still worth playing, and I'd say compared to a lot of games, they definitely well pass the mark of just being 'ok' But I am rather unfulfilled with them.

Reviewed on Feb 20, 2024
