I'm really sad to have this game at such a low score, because I so desperately want to love it but I've got really confused about how to do things and it felt so much like minecraft it honestly made me want to quit and play Minecraft instead...
The music and graphics are amazing, I absolutely adore how sweet and cosy it looks, but the game really isn't for me and I absolutely do not want to seem like an idiot having to look up a guide to use the inventory properly (there's no tutorial at all really), so yeah. One day I'll get into it properly and have the time of my life, but for now, no cigar....

Reviewed on May 26, 2024


16 days ago

Terraria isn't new player friendly at all and I understand your feelings on it. I just wanted to point out this has nothing in common with Minecraft. It's only similar in the very early game because the progression is similar. It's not even a survival game, since dying is expected. But it changes very quickly. Maybe if you get mods in Minecraft, but vanilla, not even close. Far more about fighting and exploring dungeons/the world.
@BorealPaella I never left the early game because it felt so monotonous, minecraft like and complicated for its own good, but I've seen the kinds of monsters and weapons you can aquire which is absolutely different to minecraft. I was told that I'd need to look up a wiki to understand things and that's really turned me off from wanting to start over but I'm sure having the right person to support me would help considerably.