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Don't Even Think About Playing This Game

This may be the worst Battle Royale game I've ever played. And I've played Fortnite and The Culling 2 for fuck sake. It had a pretty interesting concept but is the equivalent of driving a school bus full of children at 60MPH down a 90° angled road and slamming face first into a highway.

This game's servers were shut down in 2020 and honestly, thank God for that.

{ Core Gameplay }

Where do I even start with this? Well.. it's a Battle Royale game with a really small map for BR standards. The goal is to either be the last one standing or to escape via helicopter by activating three SOS points that spawn randomly on the map.

Not only do you have to kill other players but you also have to escape or kill a werewolf. Everyone is a regular person, but one player gets to play as a werewolf, and the goal as a werewolf is simple: kill everyone before they either kill you or escape. Which sounds cool right?

Well, there are quite a few things that completely ruins what seemed like fun.

Let me state the biggest and most obvious problem, and that's the frame rate. Holy mother of shit, the frame rate. This game was not even that graphically impressive and the map is so small, and yet, this game had one of the worst frame rates I've ever seen in a video game.

This game's frame rate is just as bad as DayZ on the PS4 and PS5.

The slowdown and frame fluctuations are so bad that it made the game virtually unplayable. Trying to participate in gun fights when the FPS is dipping all the time can be absolutely aggravating.

I remember playing this game when it first came out on the PS4 and I swear to God I was getting like, 10-25 FPS at all times. And the game still had that problem all the way until it shut down. It was actually unbearable.

Another problem is the aiming. It's really clunky. You can aim in either third person or first person but it seems like aiming in first person is even worse than the third person aiming. It's so wonky and it's insanely difficult to hit targets at CQC range. It also doesn't help that for some reason, you jump so goddamn high.

Know what that means? It's a war of attrition, because your opponents will just jump around all the place and it's insanely hard to hit your shots on them. I've seen gunfights where enemies are just jump shotting each other like they're on the fucking moon.

So you have an awful frame rate, terrible gun aiming, and enemies just jump around like they're wearing Call of Duty exo suits. And all of this makes shooting at enemies, the most BASIC aspect of a Battle Royale game, a complete chore to do.

Not to mention your enemies are bullet sponges. The TTK (Time to Kill) was really slow. I could be using a Kar98 bolt action sniper rifle and I still had to hit someone with it at least 5 times before they die. So imagine trying to hit your opponent multiple times with a single shot weapon while they're jumping around all over the place. It's a fucking joke. A shotgun is pretty much the only useful weapon for dealing with other players.

Or, you wanna know another viable strategy? Melee. Yeah that's right. Since it's such a bitch to land your shots in this game, it's actually easier to just run up to someone and melee them to death. There are melee weapons so that's all the more reason to use melee instead of guns. This game is just retarded.

Also, the game has a hunger system, and you had to eat food and stay warm to survive. If you run out of your hunger meter, or if your character gets too cold, your health will start to drain over time. Food is also used to restore your health. Food is plentiful so there wasn't a time where I died of starvation.

But the coldness? I had no idea that you were supposed to light fires in the various houses you go inside of. The game never explains it. Not to mention I assumed you would have needed a lighter or a torch or something, but no. You just walk up to a fireplace, push a button and it automatically lights up.

I didn't know your character was the fucking Human Torch. So a lot of my deaths, along with the amount of times I died to a werewolf, was me freezing to death not knowing how to warm myself up.

So what about werewolf? Well being a werewolf is no doubt the most fun part about the game. But that's just fun for you, not for everyone else. Because it seems the dumb fucks who programmed this game didn't seem to know what balancing is, because the werewolf is utterly broken.

Its weakness are silver bullets, however these are really hard to come by, so most likely you won't have enough to kill it. The werewolf also soaks up so much fucking damage before it dies anyway.

Also, when you get attacked by a werewolf, you can get stuck in an infinite stunlock, meaning you just have to sit there and watch as the werewolf completely fucks you up with no way of defending yourself. The werewolf also moves faster than the humans, meaning that it's impossible to run away from it.

So pretty much, if a werewolf spotted you, you may as well called yourself fucking dead. Because the werewolf was just way too overpowered. And this can just make the game an even bigger pain in the ass than it already was, because the werewolf just runs around slaughtering everyone before you even find another player.

Finding other players can be rare because everyone just dies early on. And when they don't die to other players, night time hits and the real carnage begins.

Of course, this being a free to play game, there were mictrotransactions in this game. Loot boxes, paid cosmetics, you name it. There were skins for both humans and the werewolves. The skins themselves do look nice, so I can clearly see where most of the effort went into with this game.

You know this game is shit when they prioritized monetization over actually optimizing the game to make it playable. And I doubt that anyone who actually spent their money on this game actually got it back, since this game was only live for around a year and a half.

The only good thing this game did for me was get me like, 60+ viewers on a Twitch livestream, because my title literally said "The Worst Battle Royale game ever made?!" And I wanted to expose what a heeping pile of garbage this game was.

Fuck this game.


Reviewed on May 20, 2021
