This is probably the most divise "game" (as the description says it is a movie) but here is where you tell the real ones apart from the frauds. Now seriously though, you would only watch this if you are genuinely interested in the story of Kingdom Hearts besides the main title games and the spin-offs. This entry explores the events that happened even before BBS and the big Keyblade War.

It is very interesting to see the perspectives of each of these new characters. And the introduction of a very mysterious yet seemingly relevant character as well. I enjoyed this movie for what it is, if you really are into Kingdom Hearts you watch it, if you are not you do not watch it and that is perfectly fine.

I personally find myself completely absorbed and I am a #NomuraSoldier so I watched it for sure. It was really great, but the real sauce comes with the actual in-game cutscenes which this movie takes place from.

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2022
