It's a weak attempt to copy its predecessor, as it tries to play its story seriously despite RE4 not and, if anything, becomes so much harder to take serious, thought the DLC is an appreciated part of the story. Its setting is very unique to the franchise, and sort of works for a less horror oriented RE game, giving more life to the world.
Mercenaries is expanded upon (twice) from RE4, which is impressive but does have some hiccups on certain maps - with one-hit killing enemies, which feels like it wasn't play tested at all (an issue with the game as a whole in my opinion).
I'm extremely glad this game has a multiplayer, as it keeps the RE4 formula from being stale, and expands on RE0's ideas of having a partner. It is definitely one to play with someone however, as the AI partner is so stupid and would be abysmal on a solo playthrough.

Reviewed on Sep 03, 2023
