I've only played a couple of other AC games before, being Black Flag, Brotherhood and AC 2. Obviously, this game gets nowhere close to the heights of those titles, mainly because of its lackluster and deviated story but I still hold it as a decent entry with a lot of merit going to its presentation and unique style.

The best thing I have to say about this game would be its game play. Combat is very expressive and it's a great joy to watch the multi finishers play out. And the stealth has to be one of the best implementations in the series. Enemies have well-defined lines of sight and the cover mechanic actually works really well despite its gimmicky nature. Besides, the side quests are actually really fun to do and you get to meet a lot of cool historic real life people.

The parkour was a bit of a downgrade, it's expanded and enhanced in many ways, but doesn't feel executed well enough to provide the necessary control. I just ended up doing things I didn't expect to all the time, quite the frustrating experience. It does feel good when it occasionally happens to work well though. But I have to say, I did like the execution of the grappling hook in this game, it's supposed to make parkour viable by allowing to cross and scale large distances, heights with ease. Although, it does get in the way of the flow which happens to be its downside. But once I got used to it, it was more bearable.

But the aspect of the game that really sold it to me, made me want to keep coming back would be its world and the music. Sometimes, I'd just be walking around London looking at all the people living their lives, like there's a bunch of kids playing cricket in a backyard, a small bunch of people sit next to a wall to watch the sport, friends meeting in the park talking long extents of their lives and such, lovers watching a sunset sitting on a park bench, quarrels, thieves, public speeches, dances, umbrellas to the rain, newspaper boys, advertisers, etc, etc. It was so full of life and activity that moments like that I forget it's a video game. The music, while not nearly as good as the other entries, does a pretty good job of dragging you into the world, filled with joy and ecstasy.

The characters themselves aren't anything impressive but I do prefer Jacob's charming, witty nature to Evie. I understand that she is supposed to be the serious, more responsible twin but I couldn't get behind her obsessiveness with her father's quest, primarily because we aren't given much reason to care except that it's dangerous and many lives are at stake. Kinda like how Jacob felt I guess.

It's got some really great outfits to choose from. Each one of these outfits is aptly designed to walk the streets and equally run the rooftops of London. I especially dig the Maximum Dracula outfit for Jacob, it's just perfect right down to the details.