probably the first jackbox where ive played all the games and enjoyed them to some degree. drawful animate is a great step forward for drawful as a game, and the prompts are so much better in this game and look like stuff people might actually type.
the wheel of enormous proportions is a lot more fun than i thought it would be. im terrible at trivia but the wheel mechanic gives it a fun twist, especially since winning is down to pure chance. i love games where winning is literally just down to pure chance, even if you can tip the odds in your favor.
job job is one of the best games jackbox has had in i dont even know how long. not my favorite, but it's top 3 material. i love games like this and Tee K.O. where you have to take what others have done and make your own thing out of it, and the fact you can use ANY word on screen that's not in a box to answer your questions is so fucking fun.
poll mine looked like a streamer game when i first saw gameplay of it but actually playing it shows me how wrong i was. i love jackbox games that make you work directly with others and discussing what everyone couldve picked is so fun even if im awful at predicting that kind of thing.
weapons drawn is the last game in this pack and its my least favorite, but it's still a good time. im partial to the drawing games and having to hide a letter in your drawing is so fun, but it can be really fucking cheap, especially if you get a lowercase L. you really have to look for the small details in this game, specifically with the outlines of letters, and finding those can feel very satisfying. the scoring system at the end is really weird though, i got the most correct guilty verdicts with first guesses by a good margin, but only did one murder (that i got away with) and still ended up in last. my friend basically got the opposite score and got first.
so overall i really liked this pack, i feel like the weakest aspect overall might be the aesthetic of the games. none of them looked that cool except poll mine, kind of, i feel like it could stand to be a bit more wet and creepy. i like how many references there are to previous jackbox games in job job, feels like a reward to people who pay attention to that kind of stuff. the music is also pretty mid but i dont go to jackbox for good music. that being said it wouldn't HURT to have some more memorable tracks.
so yea, big thumbs up from me, would recommend to most people with friends.

Reviewed on Jun 13, 2022
