- Somewhat engaging narrative
- Serviceable cast
- Conceptually, the combat is interesting and the emphasis on melee separates it from others in the genre

- Boring antagonist
- Mediocre level design
- The combat's execution is piss poor with a weak dodging mechanic that works only 60% of the time
- Script is very B-grade

I have mixed feelings about this game. Of course it would have some resonance with Dead Space, given the team behind it, but it feels like a mimic with little soul integrated into the game. I think this is less survival horror and more action horror, but it tries to emulate the best of both worlds while not really striking either. I did enjoy my time though, and I do hope Glen can do things better if a sequel ever does get greenlit. Will be waiting for the Dead Space Remake in the interim.

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2022

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1 year ago