I don't even know why I played this. I got a Nintendo Switch, but no games, so I was browsing the eshop and found this. Looked it up, and it was on itch.io for free, so I grabbed it out of boredom and curiosity. Occasionally I like playing free, short visual novels like this just to see what happens when you make terrible choices, so I did that here too, and I did not expect to actually feel kind of bad about it. I was definitely not expecting there to be so many different opportunities to feel bad either.

When you don't make the worst choices though, it's a cute and enjoyable read. And it's not long to finish at all, so there's no point in talking about the content here. I liked it, that's all there is to it. You can check it out yourself if you're curious. I like the cat a lot. There's apparently a sequel to this in the works too.

Turns out the creator has a whole bunch of other stuff on their itch.io page, so I may check out more of their work someday. All but a couple things are pay what you want, so you have no excuse not to go looking too if you're into these kinds of things, maybe throw some cash their way if you like it.

(from my web zone: https://kerosyn.link/grab-bag-2/#syrup-and-the-ultimate-sweet)

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2021
