Before I start talking about this game itself, there are two things I must front load you with.

Firstly, this game looks, sounds, and feels better in all regards compared to GRID Autosport, a game that's... only a year younger. The poly count is even noticeably higher in this game than its sequel. However, I did quickly notice that a shocking amount of this game is the same as Autosport. Menu presentation, the loading icon, the interface, the way flashbacks work, the big focus on sponsors, a lot of the same sounds, even parts of the handling model. Thing is, while all those things are the same, Autosport does them all far worse, which only makes me believe even more strongly that Autosport truly was nothing but a rushed mobile game published on every platform, built upon the gutted, downgraded, poorly repurposed and cobbled together remains of GRID 2. What a disgrace Autosport was.

And rather distressingly, I apparently had nearly 20 hours in this game before picking it back up, and the last time I played it was in 2015. That seems like more than enough time to come to a final conclusion without jumping the gun, which led me to think my preconceived notion that this game was bad, was right. Looking at the two games on Metacritic out of morbid curiosity and seeing that Autosport has an absolutely undeserved user score of 8.3 from 63 ratings while GRID 2 has only 5.9 from 658 ratings only added to the dread I felt, though the metascores were basically the same.

Now that the stage has been set, I can tell you why GRID 2 is a fine game.

Look at how far down you've scrolled on this page, how many games have been covered already. Look at how many games are between this and DIRT 2. Out of all those games, this is the game with the most personality, second only to DIRT 2 of course. 220 hours of gameplay between then and now, all spent in games with either zero personality or a sterile TV-friendly type of personality that may be immersive in F1, but is not appealing. This game has a strong personality, which was very refreshing after that long without one. Not only that, but it also has a clear identity in its overall presentation, and it has a clear stylistic direction. Everything about the game is built cohesively around one core concept - essentially taking over the world motorsport scene - it all feeds back into itself, and the result is a game that cannot be easily mistaken for any other. It helps that there's also a soundtrack in the game that is good, has more than three songs in it, and is actually present so you can... you know... hear it, ever. I really like the way the menus are presented through the garage you... live in? between races, and I especially like that this presentation changes as you progress in the game.

That's another thing this game actually does, unlike almost everything else I've played so far: Progression. It ain't deep, but GRID 2 sets you on a clear upward trajectory instead of hand waving the problem away and saying "do whatever you want" like certain games, or simply not providing any positive feedback for progress other than "great job, you won!" as you move through your options. You start in a given region, must perform well against a club to unlock the ability to continue racing them and start racing other clubs, then perform well in enough of those races to unlock the world series for the region, perform well there, and move on to the next season, ultimately replacing clubs with the new empire you created by beating them. All the while, the disembodied voices are telling you about the progress you're making and other things to do, and while it does get repetitive, it's varied and contextual enough to feel more like part of a reward than an empty affirmation. That's all it needs.

Surprisingly, the handling is also pretty satisfying here. All the cars drift, and drifting is always the fastest way around any corner, even if the handling style of your car says "grip" and even if it's front wheel drive. No matter how grippy the car realistically should be, it drifts. The handling model is also very loose and has a lot of inertia, so cars will turn in harder than you might expect, are prone to oversteer, and will continue in a direction for a bit after you straighten the steering. Even when you're not drifting, you're still drifting, because cars all have such an absurd amount of slip in all turns that you leave four distinct skid marks behind you while taking a high speed corner without trying to drift at all. That's just what "grip" means in GRID 2. This is clearly designed with a casual audience in mind, the kind of person that just wants some quick thrilling action, and that's okay, fun is fun.

I complained about the same behavior in Autosport, but there's a key difference between these two games, and it is that in this one, it's actually controlled. Despite always being sideways, I know where the car is going, I know what it's going to do, and I can respond accordingly without feeling like the game is ignoring me or the grip level is unpredictable, when it's working. It was designed this way purposefully, while the Autosport implementation was a haphazard rehashing in a seemingly desperate attempt to "fix" it after the backlash this game apparently received. I might have been part of that backlash, I wish I remembered my thoughts from back then to be sure, but today, I don't understand it. The handling is not realistic, and I definitely understand that many people prefer grippy cars over drifty ones, because that's me, I prefer that... but this is still fun to play, it's still well crafted. It's designed tightly enough for the player to always be in control to the best of their ability, but loosely enough to help the player always feel like they're on the edge of control, which, if you ask me, is probably the most satisfying feeling in a racing game when it's true, and the fact that the game actually has some sense of speed can only help matters. When the racing is close, this all makes it feel decently intense, especially in the few races where the soundtrack kicks in for the final stretch.

So overall, I absolutely think GRID 2 is a fine, well made, satisfying, fun, casual game. For about two hours.

See, despite everything, a satisfying driving experience and a decent level of single player progression is not enough to make a great game. GRID 2 falls apart in its content, because there is so little of it, really. Tracks repeat themselves often, which is normal and expected in a track racing game, but this game is mostly street racing, and there are apparently only two or three street courses for each region, making every single race feel even more homogeneous and stale than they already do thanks to the identical nondescript architecture that never changes and the complete lack of any memorable setpieces, since what they do have only blends into the same mass of forgettable blandness.

Making things worse is the introduction of "live races", which are misleadingly presented in-game as events where the track can change unpredictably during the race... which could be cool. The problem is that they aren't that, they're predetermined, maybe procedurally generated tracks that are made out of blocks from each city map, but to try and sell the illusion, the minimap is disabled. Wikipedia even gets that wrong and perpetuates the misleading presentation the game gives you. Unfortunately, the illusion is destroyed after your very first one, because after finishing almost any race, the game presents you with the online leaderboard for that race, which obviously wouldn't be possible if the tracks were truly dynamic, so the only thing that "live events" accomplish is fully exposing the lifeless nature of the streets in this game, since everything is made of just a few homogeneous, repetitive blocks that you will often see more than once in the same race, just like DIRT 4.

One would hope that the real tracks would at least then be the saving grace of the game, but no, unfortunately they only expose the limits of the otherwise satisfying handling. While there is some sense of speed on the streets, the tracks are all too big and wide for all but the fastest cars to actually feel fast, and the game forces you to keep driving the slower cars for far too long. On top of that, the slippery driving absolutely does not suit technical circuits, particularly in tight sequences of corners, because on one hand, grip being the slower method of driving means that you take turns slower than you should, and on the other hand, even though drifting is the fastest way around corners, it is very finicky about transitioning between corners quickly, so both options feel bad. It only starts to come together into something fun again after slogging through a lot of the same bland city streets and unsatisfying low tier tracks races. By the time I finally got to the point where the game gave me faster cars, the races had also become much longer and more numerous, so even if there was fun to be had with the faster cars, I was too sick of the game to find out.

Even though I praised the game for having progression, I unfortunately must also complain about the nature of it, because it's one of the methods I hate most. You're not racing to succeed as a team - you don't even have a team - you're not really racing to win the series, you're not really working your way up from the bottom to be the champion of anything... you're just trying to get famous. Your one and only metric of progress? Fans. Winning races gives you more fans. Sponsors pay you with more fans. Getting to the next series doesn't truly require certain wins, it just requires enough fans. Almost everything the disembodies voices say has something to do with fans. Every race is full of crowd noise and endless air horns, no matter where you are or what you're doing. Dear god, the air horns. You can hear bystanders yelling things like "that was awesome" and such as you go by. Major milestones are rewarded with ESPN SportsCenter talking about how cool and famous you are, the "superstar". Racing isn't cool enough, nobody really cares about racing, it's all about the clout, racing is just the vehicle with which to achieve more clout, clearly that's what motorsport is. The only thing worse than this to me is heavily corporate garbage, though this game isn't far from that either since the voices also love to remind you about the importance of sponsors, and the entire premise of the game is that you won a street race once and a rich dude liked the YouTube video and "invested" in you.

The fact that you're being supported by an investor is also the justification for getting everything for free, which kneecaps the already minimal progression. Money doesn't exist. Whenever there's an upcoming race that you don't have a car for, you get to pick one for free, and if you want the other one, just win a different race and now you have both. There is no value in anything, nothing to work for, only the next race and a bigger number. It's even worse if you own any DLC, because you simply get all the DLC cars instantly, causing you to start the game with a half full garage. A garage, mind you, that you never have full choice of, because every event has entirely arbitrary and often completely nonsensical limited car choices for you that do not apply the same way to your opponents. Too many times, I was not given the choice to drive the car I really wanted to drive, only to find that one or more of the opponents in a race do get to drive the car I wanted.

And to top off the major caveats, I have yet to mention the three strikes against the handling model that I otherwise liked.

Strike one: Bumps mean all bets are off. All notion of predictability and controllability go out the window if you hit a bump, pop a wheel onto a curb, drop a wheel into the ditch, or even just trying to drive normally if the road undulates just a little too much. The amount of camera shake at these times can get downright egregious, which doesn't help matters.

Strike two: Opponents are immovable objects, and they rarely seem to be aware you exist. They will often cut you off, drive into you, or just tap you a little bit at the least convenient time, all of which will cause you to lose control for a moment, only allowing you to recover if you're lucky enough. Pit maneuvers don't even work, they make you spin instead. Worse still, prolonged contact with an AI driver - which happens often through long corners when you're still trying to make it through the pack - takes almost all control away from you, to the point that even if you're both steering in the right direction and by all means should be able to make it through the corner, the fact that your cars are touching sends you both careening straight forward into the outside wall.

Strike three: Hilariously, painfully, bafflingly, impressively, ridiculously, unfathomably, ironically... how many more adverbs can I use here? In this game with its handling designed specifically to make every car drift all the time, and for drifting to be smooth, easily controllable, and satisfying... the dedicated drift events feel terrible. I genuinely cannot understand how this happened. The handling model changes ever so slightly in drift events and makes the car less predictable, less controllable, much more prone to spinning, feel slower and seriously underpowered, and makes it downright impossible to transition from corner to corner as if that wasn't hard enough already when the drifting worked, which also makes the absolutely nonsensically placed clipping points extremely difficult to actually drift close to. But most confusingly of all... it feels like in drift events, traction control gets turned on, while it's clearly off in the rest of the game. In many corners, even when I clearly had more than enough speed, my car still slowed to a crawl with only mild angle. I have never been unable to drift smoothly in a racing game that allows it, particularly ones with dedicated drift events, drifting is my thing, but I truly can't do it here.

For all the good this game does, it equally botches it all. The game is fundamentally fun, but can't sustain itself for more than short play sessions, requires a level of ignorance for even that to stay fun for long, and has a few glaring inconsistencies that kill the fun early when they rear their ugly heads. I haven't even mentioned the stupid difficulty problems, because this game not only commits the sin of making one or two drivers vastly faster than all the others, it also has AI that aren't aware about the ridiculous power of drifting and usually have more power and grip than you (the leaders, that is), which makes all races unfair in at least one way no matter what you do. The only praise I can give it without caveats is that it looks good, the music is good, and the cars sound good.

But above all others, there is one caveat that takes the cake. This game is not GRID.

Yes, I said this game has a strong identity, and it's true, it does. It just doesn't make sense as a sequel. Autosport had an identity crisis within its own game, but GRID 2 is an identity crisis. This isn't what made GRID so well loved at all. This doesn't even have a single thing in common with GRID, not at all. Both games have a strong identity, but they're completely separate over a vast gulf of differing personality, despite being presented as closely related. This, I believe, is the real reason so many people (including myself) were disappointed or even angry about this game when it was new, because we loved GRID and wanted more of it, and what we got was something completely different, something that lied about what it was. Ravenwest, the iconic main rivals of GRID, aren't even present as anything more than a little easter egg in the garage here. What really hurts is that for some reason, this is the formula Codemasters decided to stick with going forward, rather than realizing their mistake and re-examining the series roots - even GRID Legends, as far as I'm aware, still puts more emphasis on the "drama" and fame and how cool you are than on the racing, despite being closer to what we wanted than anything between it and the original. I'm confident that if this game had a new title, and all the other GRID games were part of that new franchise, they would all have been received much better by fans than they were... but especially GRID 2. All of my previous criticism would still apply, but removing the expectation of being a sequel to a beloved game would have made it much easier to accept.

My criticism comes from a place of love, not hate. Despite everything, I stand by my opening claim. GRID 2 is a fine game. The problem is how much better it could - should - have been. The resulting boredom and frustration was disheartening. This, too, I could not bring myself to finish. I won't be picking it up again.

(from my web zone:

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2023
