This was a lot of the same. That's not inherently a pro or a con, but as someone who replayed Zero Dawn right before Forbidden West came out, it shocked me just how similar everything was. Most of the side activities are still the same, the mount controls are the same, the combat is mostly the same, most of the environments look the same, the music sounds the same, a lot of the new machines kind of look similar to returning ones, etc. Again, this isn't necessarily a con since I personally thought the first game was spectacular, but it was kind of shocking. The only thing that doesn't feel the same and doesn't give off the same vibes as the original is the story and my god, do I wish it did.

I wouldn't call Forbidden West's story bad, but compared to Zero Dawn's story, which was relatively simple but insanely fresh and engaging, the one here feels...a little basic. Finding data logs and recordings from the past still feels great, and I like the increased focus on companions (even if I don't think any of those characters are particularly strong) but the plot itself is kind and really predictable. Every single exciting revelation either doesn't go anywhere or goes somewhere insanely disappointing. Zero Dawn's story was what set it apart. Forbidden West's story is what drags it down.

Still, the moment-to-moment gameplay is so insanely fun and the game is so breathtakingly gorgeous that it's hard to hate. I just hope the third game's story is one that's going to be worth telling.

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2022
