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This isn't a terrible BD entry, but a mediocre game in the general gameplay department in a class-based game

On the equipment weight, I can see what they were trying to do, create a little game w/ equipment w/ cost/benefits. But it ended not messing well w/ the battle system at all. I felt like I was playing I was playing FF5 w/ bad atb system & more information presented, but worse class design which is my next point.

This class design in this game is very just janky slapped together. Why am I learning tier 1 magic at different levels? Why is this passive not even useful in its own class? Why is this passive saying roughly/maybe? Are y'all not confident in what you made? Why am I more rewarded for spamming a busted skill than anything else? Forget the counter system, these bosses don't even get to interact after a certain.

But I can say the story is a bit campy which I like, The art is straight, and music good.