Funny how the dlcs for this game have like 0 attention paid to them, this doesnt even have owlcat listed as a dev and is only listed for the switch (which im amazed can run this horribly optimized kino at all)
This is almost exactly what i want from a side campaign dlc. A small close knit cast, tight dungeons, and a story about some jobbers doing who knows what while the mc is kicking ass.
I redid my mc so instead of an awkward dhampir that couldnt heal normal, it was a feyspeaker druid aasimar with a velociraptor that carried my ass, and i used the default mercs (specifically the fighter and the slayer)
I think the ending was a bit disappointing but i really did like the dynamic between your 3 party members, though i do wish there were 2 more so i didnt have to use the soulless mercs. I really liked all the dungeons and their individual stories, the fact they let you use real weapons and removed the barely functioning environment kills was really nice too.
All in all, i genuinely recommend this anyone replaying this game or at least on act 5 of it! I don’t like having multiple season passes for a singleplayer game but sp2 absolutely blows 1 out of the water so far, and the last dlc is shaping up to be something specifically catered to me: hanging out with your besties that you kill people with

Reviewed on May 26, 2024
