When you make 29 million dollars a year, people make games based on you. Really that much?

Let me start by saying, I had to learn what Ryan’s World is while making this video, and you know what, Youtube has a lot of interesting channels that get popular for any reason. This review is going to avoid commenting on Ryan’s World as a channel, or the idea he got a game based on him, in fact, kudos to him. I hope he enjoys his game, and hopefully, it’s made him happy. If someone gave me that same opportunity, you all would be playing Kinglink Reviews the game, which would almost definitely be a Raid Shadow Legend clone to make the most money. Game Devs, ring me up.

With that out of the way… This is an awful game on a purely technical level. It’s a kart racer, where the kart takes up too much of the screen, some of the levels have too many paths to keep track of. There are only 6 courses, 12 if you count reverse mode on each. There was a little slowdown which I never have in games, and I had to reboot my computer to try to get rid of it, which mostly worked, but again, never had to do that in any other game this month or pretty much all of last year.

Some tutorials don’t work. The first tutorial is Learn How to Play, which doesn’t tell you anything and soft locks you into driving around a course, that required me to alt f4 to get out of the game. The third tutorial doesn’t even operate and other parts of the menu don't work either. The game is also laughably easy, even on the hard difficulty, I was able to beat the game without using power sliding or any boosts. Ryan also pops up almost every 5 seconds and shouts stuff. Eh.

Pick this up if you are Ryan from Ryan’s World or a fan. But at the same time, I bet you’d still enjoy Forza Horizon 5 more. Or maybe try Trailmakers? I think it’s clear this is a pretty weak kart racer but I’d recommend almost anything else. However it does have an easy enough achievement list, but I couldn’t play it long enough to earn those. The rarest achievement is to play the game for 3 hours, so the game doesn’t take long to complete.

If you want to see more from me: Check out my video on this month of Game Pass games: https://youtu.be/vUqrUn1HrwQ

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2022
