An amazing platformer.

The Gunk is an exploration of an alien world and a strange substance simply called The Gunk. The Gunk is a pollutant on the world, and the player and her NPC partner are working to remove it, and as they do it beautifies the world. I can’t tell you how many times I got exhilarated as the world was restored in a sparkle of green, blue, and oranges sprung up.

At the same time, much of the game is just sucking up The Gunk. There’s platforming and minimal combat, but neither feels deep and while there are upgrades to the player's arsenal they never feel necessary. There were a couple of points where I was wishing the game had a navigation arrow to show where the next destination was, but that only occurred once or twice for me.

Pick this up if you want to explore something new and different. After about four hours it’s clear this is a shorter game, but it’s an enjoyable short journey and one I ended up completing after around 6 hours. I had a good time playing through this, but this is much more about the journey than the challenge on the path.

If you want to see more from me: Check out my video on this month of Game Pass games:

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2022
