This game is currently in the Humble Choice for July 2023, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before August 1st, 2023, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

An airship-based trading simulator.

In Merchant of the Skies, players fly an airship to different ports to buy goods, trying to buy low and sell high, to make a profit. Along the way, there are a ton of requests, and missions that will help players to make even more money, and upgrade their ship, but ultimately this is a chill trading simulator.

That’s also the problem, it’s a little too easy and passive. There are a few systems that will challenge players like finding and remembering to recharge your batteries at every stop, but the prices for everything are low enough that players can just grind their way through the game, and I think the main quest was to just amass a ton of wealth so far.

Pick this up if you like Excel spreadsheets and just min-maxing trading. This isn’t a bad thing, but it will appeal to certain types of players, and most people probably aren’t going to be too excited about this.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2023
