Log Status






Time Played

85h 14m

Days in Journal

24 days

Last played

March 4, 2024

First played

February 10, 2024

Platforms Played


This game really is as special as everyone says it is. Before I picked it up, I always wondered how people could have fun with this game, considering such a big part was failing and dying to a game known for having no mercy when it came to you making mistakes or slip-ups, spending long amounts of time on one boss who beats them down over and over again. I even picked it up when it was on sale because I figured if (At the time) I most likely didn't enjoy it, it wouldn't be such a huge loss of money.

But then the more I played, I got to keep experiencing that feeling of that perfect balance of "Fairness without forgiveness". Most every death always felt like it was my mistake or fault, if I got killed by a boss it was almost always because I rolled too early/late or I thought it was a different attack.

Not to mention the game was accented well taking place in a fleshed out world with characters that always leave a big impression, and that's saying a lot considering the setting is already in a dying world, long past its prime, and a husk of what it used to be. Yet it still managed to be lively.

Even though some will say it's a pain to go out of your way to search for the lore, for the most part the game presents you with a lot of lore by having it be in items you either need to have or will have after certain events, or simply choosing to talk to the NPCs in the world which is never hard considering each character is great to speak to. The lore is not overly long either, just some sentences that flesh out the world bit by bit.

I will agree, that the game's quality does dip a bit down by the second half, it's still a fun time, personally I didn't experience a lot of the misery others describe they had in some areas. (I actually liked the Tomb of the Giants, an area most hate. Though admittedly, I missed the ability to see) Eventually though, by the time the "second half" happens, you're well more than past halfway through the game.

Not to mention the soundtrack, this game does good when the music appears, making sure the moments that have music be more emotional and impactful for there being music at all. Every boss' theme to me didn't feel like I was against something that could not be defeated or was unstoppable, it made me feel like I was facing something incredibly powerful but that does not mean I did not have the means to defeat it. My personal favorite boss theme would be the Four Kings' theme, while the boss if flawed; that song was a big reason for me to keep running back to them.

Overall, I will play more of this series in the future, it really is as great as everyone who's played it says it is. (Even if they're in excessive pain from dying to a boss for the 100th time.)