They really weren't lying when they said this game is difficult and sometimes tedious. The combat on paper is a pretty good concept such as high/low blocking and the different sword moves being introduced in this game. But once you fight enemies like Wizzrobes, Fokka, or Darknuts (Without getting used to the combat) you will absolutely get demolished.
The dungeons are pretty unique, but with the amount of invisible walls and holes is absurd, you'd think they would've learned considering the first game had lots of problems with invisible bomb-able walls.
Other than that, the level system is nowhere as bad as I thought it would be, but I found I prioritized increasing life way over magic due to how easy death can come in this game.
This game does have some legitimate pros and things I could enjoy seeing in a future Zelda game (Not happening) but the cons really overpower it, if you're good at this game. I just know you didn't get there without some measure of anger along the way.

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2024
