Kinda cute in a way, but also childish, ignorant, simplistic and unnecessary.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2023


23 days ago

What makes any means of art "unnecessary"? Feels like a very functionalist way to look at these things (although likely not your intention), which I'm not sure can directly apply to human expression since these things can't really be attributed utilitarian virtue. I'm not too impressed by this game either, but I do find its naivety to be somewhat compelling and intentional in form when it works within the context of the broken familiarity of its text interactions and visual style - though it can also quicky fall into a sort of preachy rhetoric with a conversation that already ends unto itself. At best it feels like watching the remains of old, shattered toys: a sort of melancholy-driven happiness and nostalgia, along with a bitter taste of present gnosis that nevertheless shines bright into the nature of what was once something personally beloved.

23 days ago

@deadlydonut I find it unnecessary because Pokémon and Game Freak need no defense whatsoever, they’re not games and companies to feel sorry about.

23 days ago

This comment was deleted

23 days ago

Sure, but art is never a direct statement or a tweet, even if sometimes the creator wants it to be. I do find that it can sometimes feel like it preaches a certain rhetoric that is a bit defensive of those games or even the unhealthy way in which they come to release; but even that comes across as too ambiguous to be declared "unnecessary" as if viewed through the lens of factual argumentation. It didn't feel to me like it wanted to desperately defend Game Freak so much as it wanted to showcase a very personal perspective into what it means to be a long-time fan of these games for its author.

At least to me that argumentation opens up a rather cynical, content-based form of analyzing art that is detached from the intricacies present in the processes of its form. (deleted my former comment because of a typo)

23 days ago

I don't see it as any thing personal, more like the opposite: just a very generic feeling of a whole generation, which is not necessarily bad, just nothing worth highlighting. But other than that there is little to say about anything here, instead it feels more like a rant of someone not wanting people to criticise something just because they liked it as kids.