I'm never finishing this game because of how obtuse and poorly balanced it is. The concept of the game is good, it's very similar to Inscryption but with Pokemon characters and type effectiveness, but it isn't executed well. Unique card powers are very rare which causes most pokemon to feel functionally identical to one another, mechanics are poorly explained or flat-out unexplained to the player, and opponent decks are so overwhelmingly powerful that many of them are impossible to beat, even with favorable draws.

Pocket Crystal League demands that you grind, which eventually caused me to drop it. When you lose a match to a regular trainer you still advance towards the next gym leader but miss out on the prize money you would have gotten for winning, and if you lose to the gym leader of a zone you get the option to either try again or go back to the start of the zone to build up more resources. There is no game over state as far as I can tell, which makes the steep enemy difficulty feel like extreme padding. It isn't a matter of if you can beat the gym leader, its a matter of how long you'll have to grind to beef up your cards enough for beating them to even be a possibility.

If the game were changed to include unique abilities on the player's cards significantly more frequently, opponents were rebalanced to be realistically beatable on the first pass through an area, and the gameplay loop were more rogueish, I would have enjoyed it much more. As it is, this game is very disappointing, largely because it could be so much better with just a few tweaks.

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2024
