Thought I had reviewed this game but seeing as I never have I guess now is the time I finally talk about this game.

Its sad honestly because I LOVED this game and the potential with this game was so endless it was truly a fun experience that was utterly destroyed by Capcom. I played many hours on both PC and PS4 and while I had a lot of fun by the end of my time with this game I just really kept telling myself "why? why did they not do anything with this game?". It is so hard to recommend this game now adays because updates have STOPPED and most people who play are very good players so new players will most likely get swamped on both mastermind and survive side of things.

I really can't stress it enough how sad I was to see the fall of this game because it is really fun but I guess it doesn't matter when capcom didn't want to do anything with it in the end.

Reviewed on Oct 10, 2021
