RE4 is a game I hold near dear to my heart. While not being my personal favorite RE it is one that I hold the most memories with. Its the first video game where my father grew insanely addicted to just off the strength of watching me playing the first 5 minutes of it on the gamecube. After those 5 minutes he asked to play a bit and the rest was history my dad turned into a huge RE4 fan. Its my first memory as a kid where I rented a game from blockbuster where my dad grew interest right away and its stuff like that I hold near dear to my heart. So with that being said yes the original RE4 is something VERY special to me on many levels having played through 5+ releases of it.

Now when RE4R was announced yes I will admit I was a bit worried after the misstep of RE3R but I held out until we got more info on the game. The moment they said they would be keeping most of the content in the game I honestly knew this was going to be a masterpiece because if there was one thing they have perfected with these remakes WAS the gameplay and it really shows with RE4R.

I told my story with original RE4 about my dad growing addicted to that game because as expected RE4R turned into a whole family event. My WHOLE family wanted to watch this game because they grew to love this game to the point of wanting to watch me play through the whole remake which is something that rarely happens with my family lol. And lord was it a blast having my dad remember every single thing with this game still even after so long it honestly shows just how much of an impact RE4 had on him. Sadly he didn't want to play any of it though as he doesn't enjoy newer gen controllers and doesn't really want to try learning how to play on newer controllers which is fine I was A okay with playing through the whole game myself this time having him and the rest of my family watch.

So what did we get? a perfect experience. This game right from the start amazed me with how well they handheld the original material but improving on some aspects of it. The first and most obvious is the gameplay where they use the 2-3 remake formula gameplay wise with RE4R and it just works so well the gameplay is phenomenal and weirdly addicting to a degree its very fun to control, shoot and Supplex enemies hahaha. The knife is a life saver in this game! you can still do the normal box cutting , enemy slicing but there has been one immense change with the knife which is parrying!. If you time it correctly you can fully parry enemy attacks which is HUGE and probably will be even more helpful on the harder difficulties.

The other thing that really caught me by surprise is how well directed this game was in terms of story it really brings so much more life to the story of 4. I will get this right out the gate the characters are written so well and hell Ashley is WAYYYY better in the remake then in OG4 she is cheerful , wholesome , NOT ANNOYING AND MOST IMPORTANTLY DOES NOT HAVE A DAMN HEALTH BAR. I was overall very pleased with how they wrote Ashely in this game and honestly everyone else it brought new life into this game and was very welcomed.

Now SOME content was cut but nothing to crucial that really hindered the game in anyway. The only thing I was bummed was cut was the U3 boss fight I honestly really liked that fight in the OG4 it was creepy. Overall everything important was still intact and even touched upon to make better for the remake like a couple boss fights which I won't get into here.

Shooting range was also a blast and I had a good time S ranking all the levels on it. I will probably not go for the 100% on them all as attempting that on controller ...... is not a fun time lol.

Graphics were beautiful I really love how the RE engine looks and it continues to impress me with every new title.

I seriously do not have a single complaint with this game I really wholeheartedly believe its a perfect experience and one that I will replay multiple times to go for some of the harder trophies.

RE4 is considered one of the best games made for a reason and RE4R continues that legacy and then some.

This comes without shock but this game is a MUST play and I can recommend it for the full price. Me and my whole family were very happy with this game and seeing my dad smile and having a good time alone makes this game perfect to me.

Reviewed on Apr 06, 2023
