[Played on RPCS3 emulator]

Man, finished Ending A on the release date of this game's remake (finished Ending B on 4/26/21 and I am VERY sad). DAMN was this an emotional ride to go through. I'm gonna go a bit on a rant about the western gaming community and how JP companies have been dealing with their broken released products later, but I'll actually talk about the game first.

The gameplay was actually pretty ok/good if you're not mashing the same attack button. I mean, you got jump attacks that stun the enemy, weapon switching mid combat between two handed, one handed, and spears (although with a small bit of menuing), and some magic that can be broken like dark whirlwind which is similar to Vergil's spiral swords from Devil May Cry. With all this in the combat, it's a bit hard to see where people are coming from with the "boring and repetitive" " combat unless they're being mindless about it.
It's criminal that this game was given a low rating at the time it came out, and I hope other people are aware of how horrible the western gaming industry was towards JP developers back in the day.

That being said, JP developers need to get their shit together when releasing broken games. First we have Automata which released 4 years ago on Steam in a really broken and buggy state, to a point where most people have to rely on a community-made mod to fix it (For those who played on the PC version and supposedly never ran into any problems and kept telling other people, just because you didn't doesn't mean other people aren't suffering technical problems. If a TON of people are complaining then you should consider that maybe there actually IS a problem).
And then the day before Replicant remake's release we're already getting reviews talking about how the game on Steam is missing a V-sync option, animations going twice the speed at 60FPS, and stuttering problems due to controls. I'm not sure if this is developers being lazy with PC ports, or companies actually not caring about their PC audience because it's different in Japan, but this needs to stop, this shit is actually inexcusable now in this day and age. This isn't just a Nier or Square problem(though Square is VERY guilty of this) but seems to be common among JP devs. if a publisher is forcing a set date release, devs can just give out a version that is literally unfinished and call it a day. No publisher will want the PR backlash from a developer going public on a situation like that. Unfortunately neither do the developers make a stand and neither do the publishers make sure the product is actually polished properly.
Instead, a turd is released and no or very little post release support is given. And we customers don't even refund it, just rely on people like Kaldaien(Creator of the FAR mod) to try and band-aid the game as best as they can.
I'm glad that they announced an update patch for Automata recently, and at least the problems for Replicant isn't that bad compared to Automata, but c'mon man.

I still need to get the other endings, but I hope whoever is playing Gestalt/Replicant has a great experience.

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2021
