A neat collection of Namco classics like The Tower of Druaga, Mappy, Xevious, Super Xevious (hidden as a secret game), Galaga, Galaxian, Pac-Man, Pac-Man Vs, and Dig Dug II.

The settings that this emulator has is also surprising for a DS game. Being able to switch which screen would have the game and if you wanted it vertical or horizontal, which is a weird option to have on a DS screen. You could either have the pixels smoothened or keep it sharp, and you can enable specific game settings in a tab called "hardcore options" that can do a variety of stuff ranging from visual effects, to playing an older version of a game, or enabling glitches, and even making the game run a pirated version to get a specific message to show up.
The most surprising feature is the DIP switches. DIP switches are switches on the motherboard of arcade cabinets that can adjust the amount of lives you start in a game, the difficulty, how points work, or even how much it costs to play a game. In this collection, they have an actual image of the games respective arcade board to simulate switching DIPs on or off and it's a feature I don't see anyone else talking about.

Other than all the settings and options, each game also has an instructions tab and even a hint book which is very much appreciated even if I don't find myself using them.

I've owned this game for more than 10 years and booted it up today to find out about these amazing options I never knew about. While I've mostly been talking about the features and not the games themselves(which are good to play), I wish I saw more "collections" or official emulators had these options and not just the usual rewind feature that can easily spoil you.

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2021
