Waited until I had a proper translation to drop a full review,

This really is a perfect way to start off the second half of the series in how efficient it is at setting up future events and tone. Unless they forget how to replicate this atmosphere later, they really didn't lie about kuro being a more dark trails game, still undeniably trails at its heart.

The gameplay, npcs/sidequests and presentation are top notch. The choice system branching out dialogue choices into later chapters of the game is insane attention to detail, it's visually stunning and plays well all around.

The cast isn't my favourite by any means but that's no surprise it's just their first game, they have very solid foundations that are hopefully used nicely in later Calvard games.

The story is one of the best ones told in the series, feels complete, lowkey wraps up 2 of the MC's arcs and the antagonist group is the best one excluding ouroboros.

TL;DR: Yakuza 7 : Like a Dragon for kiseki

Reviewed on Aug 11, 2021


2 years ago

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