So this is some how better and worse then my first play through.

Its better cause I have now actually watched scott pilgrim vs the world and can appreciate the characters and world a lot more. I now have full context, which make its a whole lot more enjoyable.

However I have also played more beat em ups since then and it makes this one feel worse to play because of it. The shops lack info on buying , the stuns are annoying esspically when theirs 5 enemy's on screen that will combo you with it, no health bar for boss's and some enemies just really really suck.

Those cons are a bit dramatic, ive just came off the game and the final level was easily the worst and kinda pissed me off lol. Its still a fantastic game with a lot of charm that was hindered with a troubled development. I would maybe play it again by myself but if I have friends that wanna play then most definitely.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2023
