This review contains spoilers

If you played FF V without using all of the classes because you think classes like dancer, singer or geomancer are bad I have story for you. I played through FF V two times, once using strongest classes and on 2nd play through I have used them all. It not only made game more fun I also showed me that there was a lot of thought put into all of them. Some of them might cause some random uncontrollable effects that might be hard to predict but often help in battle or do a lot of damage. Classes like dancer for example can equip ribbon, which is super useful and can be learned and latter used with other jobs. FF V is the game in which I had most fun with class/job system every in history of gaming. All of them bring something to the table and even if it happens by some stretch of imagination to not be good you can always treat it as challenge or a situation in which you need to win with added constraints for fun, but as I said before - they all have their niches and uniqueness with great use in specific situation. You can always go boring way and go with some meta setup, but you could also play FF I with 4 warriors. You can do it, but is it fun? Maybe for power trip or easy mode w/e. I mean have your fun and play your way. That was a lot about jobs - but FF V is jobs. Plot of the game and game play revolves around it.
This game also has a plot, sometimes things are silly here, but whole motive of splitting two worlds and sealing great evil in rift between worlds and later combination of both worlds to one and going for the kill for X-DEATH is so mind blowing that me playing it for the first time was destroyed just by this concept.
I like my reviews spoiler free but for this one I marked with spoiler warning because I just can't shut about it.
Because of games like FF V and FF VI, FF X and Chrono Trigger - I started MY journey to discover other RPGs. It made me play Seiken Densetsu series, Pokémon, other Final Fantasies, Lost Odyssey and so on. It is because of GEMS like FF V. I do not remember what was first played by me but FF V was one of first.
I completed all stuff from ADVANCED version. Jobs were epic, additional dungeons were OK. Nothing that broke my mind, but it was fun enough and did not overstay its welcome.
I advise you to have fun with FF V if you haven't yet and if you ever have chance to free thief/wolf from the prison do not free him. He will steal stuff from many dungeons and you will never get it. You do not have to thank me :)

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2021
