I completed 2 routes and stopped halfway through the third. The game is pretty fun when experimenting with command decks and becoming completely overpowered, but three times is just too much.

Additionally there are too many things I didn't like about this game.
One being the worlds feeling so empty. I just personally have trouble immersing myself into a world that is inhabited by 4 people and it ruins the experience for me :c

Then we have the story and dialogue. It's Kingdom Hearts, so I'm used to cheesyness, but this takes the cheesecake so far. And it's not made better by the voice acting being really meh. It's not the worst you've ever heard, but it's far from good.

This game made me finally question, why I am even playing through all the Kingdom Hearts games in the first place, since they are really mediocre in my honest opinion (except for maybee KH2, that one has banger gameplay). But that didn't stop me from playing through all of Yakuza, so I will see this to the end as well x3

Reviewed on Oct 28, 2023
