It's a really fun metroidvania with a lot of love put into it, but unfortunately, it also has glaring issues too big to ignore.

(+) Beautiful art and soundtrack, interesting story and surprisingly good voice acting too.
(+) Lots of variety in skills and equipment that allow you to make a build that fit your playstyle and switching between. builds and trying out new stuff is made super easy too
(+) If you do it right you can make builds that are just downright overpowered or, like mine, even abuse the game mechanics a little.
(+) Enemy designs vary from edgy and creepy to flying pig and girl in bunnysuit. I like sillyness, so it's a positive in my book :3
(+) You can customize your character a little, which is pretty neat .w.

(-) This game barely even tried to having to look up where to go at a minimum. The ways you have to progress are so random at times, that I can't imagine anyone beating their first run without looking up a guide xd. Although they at least tried by occasionally giving you tips back at the hub.
(-) Backtracking. I like some backtracking, but this game had a bit too much for me :')
(-) The animation and camera work in cutscenes are abyssmal.
(-) Enemy placement can be a little random and sometimes just a little evil, like an enemy that will always hit you when you walk through a door, if you don't know you have to dodge beforehand >:(
(-) The backstep is useless, forgot it existed pretty quickly. Fun spamming tho .w.
(-) Dialogue don't match spoken lines sometimes :o

Still, I think it's a good game and deserves to be played. Especially metroidvania fans like myself should play it :3

Reviewed on Jul 26, 2023
