Furi 2016

Log Status






Time Played

2h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 10, 2019

Platforms Played


Furi is a tough as nails boss rush title that has you facing off against 12 jailers standing between you and freedom. The game has one of the best EDM soundtracks you'll find and some very stylish battles done in full anime chique with some brutal combat animations.

Fights go down in roughly 3 different segments. Firstly you have some freedom to move around as the boss pursues you. Then there are the close up sections where you're forced into tight quarters with the boss. Then there are the bullet hell segments where the boss unleashes a lengthy volley of attacks at you which you need to learn to navigate using your gun and dashes to carve a path.

Every fight has it's own unique gimmicks and challenges - they become as much puzzles as fights in that sense. The difficulty is punishing though it is possible to recover some health through perfect performance. The fights are long and arduous requiring you to memorize different patterns and make use of very sharp reflexes, so it can get very challenging quickly.

While I love watching the game be played it's stressful to experience first hand and by the time I got to the 4th boss some of the patterns can get real wild, requiring twitch reflexes and perfect inputs otherwise you get badly punished and have to restart long sections over again. Personally I wasn't into that sort of repetition and called it quits - considering how intense the game gets later on I'm not mad that I did.

High points for sheer style and presentation, the gameplay is fun and intense but probably best suits a more resilient and persistent player, unfortunately that isn't me.