Log Status






Time Played

4h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 26, 2020

Platforms Played


I find Zachtronic games to be very engaging for very short periods of time. I have to really be in that programming mood where I want to think hard and solve problems. You really have to be to get into his style of games, but when the mood fits it hits just right.

Opus Magnum is a bit more abstract in that you're building these little machines that move elements around and turn them into other elements - in that sense this is much more of a factory game than his usual fare.

It's not quite as challenging as his other works, and the variety of solutions to each problem creates a lot of room to explore different ways of solving the puzzles and refining through multiple iterations. Definitely one of the beginner friendlier titles from this developer and very fun if you can keep up with the mechanics.