This is where the series really comes into its own. A solid action platformer with much smoother movement and combat.

The artwork here is at the peak of its pixel art while the cartoon artwork has filed off the rough edges from Risky's Revenge. The music maintains its excellent quality and this game introduces some of the best tracks in the series.

Gameplay is a lot more frantic and fun than it was in RR as there's less focus on short complicated platforming segments and they make use of larger more open level design. The new pirate themed abilities give you a more offensive boost and add even add offence to movement without the awkward animal transformations from the previous game.

The puzzle aspect has been reduced to much simpler platforming challenges and what's left is more of a trade chain of taking x item to y character which does remove a lot of the backtracking from RR.

Overall a big improvement and a stand out entry in the series. If you're just getting into Shantae you could easily start here.

Reviewed on Jul 08, 2023
