Having played the original Destiny for a short while I went into Destiny 2 expecting more of the same - wide open worlds, grindable mmo style gameplay and flashy gear for rewards. What you get instead is a machine dedicated to squeezing every last drop of cash out of you while giving the bare minimum in return.

Few games have weaponised their exploitative and stingy monetisation quite so brazenly as Destiny does. This is a game that's already based on the best gear being highly cosmetic and has managed to employ loot boxes (with dupes), season passes (with limited time only gear), even cards (battle pass 2), dungeon keys, seasonal events (with limited time only gear), yearly expansions (with limited relevance), a mobile game store, exclusive drops that can only be redeemed in the store, paid-only game features like finishers, a multitude of currencies including hostile pricing (some of which expire), and of course they call the game free to play - although the actual free content might as well be a demo.

Naturally we've reached the point where they don't want to maintain older content so entire chunks of the game are going in 'the vault'. But it's not like they're actually maintaining the rest of the game - I had to stop playing for months because of a bug that prevented me logging in, this is purely about getting rid of what costs them money to maximise their profits. So with the game actively tossing its old content to the side and aggressively pushing a FOMO business model with the latest stuff it's no surprise that they're now dragging out the finale to the game's story.

After all Lightfall showed they have no qualms making up whatever story filler they think is most profitable and expecting you to pay $100 for the insult while delaying the actual conclusion. Honestly the biggest insult is that they haven't introduced more than 2 or 3 new enemy assets since the game launched in 2017. Every bit of this game is a cheap, tight-fisted con. Personally I've been out for a while now and I won't be going back in.

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2023
