Alright, I'm the first to make a review of this game... what an honor...

Plot: Self-explanatory, but if you're curious: Timmy breaks the plot device called "Da rules" book...which means anyone can pick up the book and become the new owner? Vicky does so, which results in Timmy going to court, giving him the mission to retrieve the book without any missing pages. While this seems to imply world-breaking story-telling it really wished it could be an actual episode rather than a long-drawn video-game experience, since they don't flesh out the full potential this setup had to give.

Graphics: You get a cardboard cut world that feels like an uncanny parody of South Park rather than a low-tech but pleasant looking Stuart Little 2 experience (if you've ever played that)...and because of this the otherwise lively animated show is reduced to a stop-motion dialogue fest, where the characters can't properly express themselves. Like, why can't Cosmo and Wanda have any other expression than smiling? It creeped me out more than any enemy this game had to offer.

Gameplay: No ledge-grab and a double jump that should give you either height or distance but feels like an add-on and at times is non-responsive... features that most platformers know how to pull off. It boils down to a Sly Cooper-inspired knock-off that set the bar for more functioning video games like the Simpsons Game.

Audio: Cosmo isn't even the worst part, believe it or not. The sound design is all over the place with some actions being impactful while others miss the mark entirely. At times I wish they recorded the voice actors lines on an actual WW2 mic because that would've been less muffled. The music is somehow authentic to the show but it leaves more to be desired.

Ending: After getting all the pages you're dragged back to court, still missing the last "table of contents" page. That leads to the "ultimate battle", which is... a circle jerk with Vicky as the dragon in the center...really? No true self-awareness from Vicky with creative use of her temporary powers? No, just a dragon pushing speech bubbles...or action squares, like Conker's Bad Fur Day would make funny...

Overall score: 0,5 stars. Not the worst I've played...but I'm glad it's over.

Reviewed on Apr 08, 2024
