"I might not find the words to describe this feeling." - Adrian

Maybe it's my love for the Nonary games (not the 3rd, obviously) that made me excited for the premise and potential perspectives...
Maybe it was my experience with prior visual novels that truly moved me with their vision within platform-specific limitations...
Maybe the title and themes of reflection about the human psyche (and my recent mental history) made me have expectations about the quality of the story and character writing...

There were moments I truly enjoyed and I'll definitely check out future installments... but I'm not left convinced by this entry on its own, sorry...

Reviewed on May 11, 2024


Maybe the real issue is that I like Zero Time Dilemma... :(

Can't promise that the upcoming Parts will fix any of your issues with the character writing (unlikely), but they'll definitely have a stronger focus on Uchikoshi-esque twists; which Part 1 didn't really have any of, obviously. Gonna try real hard to get that 3.5 out of you next time!

28 days ago

@TomatenToaster Hello! :D
I'm still looking forward to future parts, which could change my perspective on this entry as a building block for the following parts. :]
Also, did you not rate this game? I checked your profile and you didn't give it a score, so rn it's left at 0 stars on your profile? :o
@KohkatrissDK I mean, I don't really think I should rate my own game :'D

27 days ago

@TomatenToaster Fair enough, I wouldn't do that either xD