So I never bought this game because in 2017, I told myself I wouldn't get it because I already had the original Mario Kart 8 with a few thousand hours of playtime and decided to wait for Mario Kart 9, because I was sure it'd get released in a few years time. Then, Nintendo did the absolute funny and here I am. I only played this because a friend downloaded a modpack which added a lot of goofy ass sounds, changed most textures and replaced all characters with completely random stuff, and invited us to play. Of course, I accepted mostly to have fun, but also to experience something different as I've been playing this exact same game since I was 14. I am 24 now.

As a game, though, it's the original Mario Kart 8 but with all 2 original DLCs and then 48 bonus tracks that could've been made better and turned into Mario Kart 9 but oh well, guess I am the biggest fool to have ever set foot on this planet.

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2023
