This game is aesthetically pleasant, short, and has a great soundtrack. If you can pick it up cheap you may enjoy it on that basis.

The problem playing it is that, outside of a promising start, it doesn't really consist of the kind of exploration and puzzle-solving you would expect from a point-and-click adventure. Instead, you have a very light strategy layer that sees you repeating the same basic formula in each location: speak to the locals, then befriend three types of dinosaurs in sequence by using matching items that are scattered randomly around the environment. It's not really possible to drive yourself into a corner or fail (short of walking directly into a t-rex's mouth), as each territory is either making correct progress or is stalled out. The story has some interesting concepts and a couple neat twists, but doesn't quite succeed at stringing them together effectively moment-to-moment. Tough to recommend.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2022
